Train Simulator 2017 - Town Scenery Pack DLC EN Global
This pack contains a number of scenic assets that you can add to your own route creations in order to add more detail and variety.
List of items included:
- MP02 Bench01
- MP02 Bench02
- MP02 Bin01
- MP02 Bin02
- MP02 Bollard01
- MP02 Bollard02
- MP02 BrickPlanter
- MP02 TownSet01
- MP02 TownSet02
- MP02 TownSet03
- MP02 TownSet04
- MP02 TownSet05
- MP02 TownSet06
- MP02 TownSet07
- MP02 TownSet08
- MP02 TownSet09
- MP02 TownSet10
- MP02 TownSet11
- MP02 TownSetBingo
- MP02 TownSetPub
- MP02 BusShelter01
- MP02 BusShelter02
- MP02 BusTimeTable
- MP02 Concrete Tile
- MP02 Fence
- MP02 FishandChipsSign
- MP02 ForSaleSign
- MP02 PostBox01
- MP02 StreetLight01
- MP02 StreetLight02
- MP02 Town Path
- MP02 TrafficLight01
- MP02 Trolley
- MP02 TrolleyPark
- MP02 Wall Brick
- MP02 Wall Concrete