
Need For Speed EN/DE/FR/IT Global

2558.20 RUB

Discover the nocturnal open world of urban car culture, driven by 5 unique ways to play and win, in this thrilling reboot of Need for Speed™. Carve your own unique path, via multiple overlapping stories, gaining reputation on your journey to become the ultimate icon.

Ventura Bay is your urban playground; from downtown, the harbour and the canyons, the city comes alive while you sleep.

  • Rich Authentic Customization: Build a car that reflects your character through extensive visual and performance customization.
  • Five Ways to Play: Need for Speed returns with 5 unique ways to play, Speed, Style, Build, Crew and Outlaw, enabling you to earn reputation and ultimately win your way.
  • West Coast Urban Setting: Discover a nocturnal open world of urban car culture you never knew existed.